Presidential Drinking

historical photo of men drinking at dinner

Presidential Drinking

Part 10: Clinton to Biden

The story of Prohibition is very much the story of America’s relationship with alcohol throughout our history. It has shaped our politics, our culture, and our economy. Changing American tastes and values had enormous influence over just how present alcohol, and what types of it, has been in our society. A fascinating gauge of those changing tastes is looking at how our presidents from the Founding Fathers all the way up to the incumbent have interacted, or not interacted, with beer, wine and spirits.

In this series, Presidential Drinking, we’ve dug deep into what place alcohol had in each president’s life from their favorite drinks to whether it contributed to their business practices throughout their lives to whether they… well… imbibed a little too much from time to time.

bill clinton

President Bill Clinton, served 1993 - 2001

What was his drink of choice?
Bill Clinton isn’t a big drinker, but his favorite libation is reportedly a “snakebite”, a half-and-half mix of lager and cider. While visiting the UK shortly after leaving office, the former president attempted to order one at a pub and was actually refused service by a bartender who told him the drink is prohibited in the UK. Whether it was an honest mistake or a small fib, there was no actual prohibition on the beverage. Still, Clinton kept his cool about the refusal; he jokingly responded, “That’s a shame – it would have brought out my true personality.”

Was he in the booze business?
No. Bill Clinton’s had his eye on the prize since his early days of higher education. He was class president at Georgetown, before attending Oxford and Yale. After finishing law school, he and his future wife, Hillary Rodham, got to work in politics on the 1972 McGovern campaign. Before the decade was over, Bill Clinton would become the youngest governor in Arkansas history, setting him on the path that would propel him to the presidency in the 1992 election. None of that leaves a lot of time for brewing, distilling, or bartending.

Did he party?
While Bill Clinton’s drinking history is rather unexciting, it’s had zero effect on his reputation for letting loose. Anybody old enough to remember the 1992 election will remember the image of then-Governor Clinton, in dark sunglasses, jamming out on his saxophone with the band on Arsenio Hall. As recently as 2010, the media was still reporting on his love of a good party as his birthday bash in The Hamptons hosted such superstars as Sir Paul McCartney. 

Unfortunately, Clinton’s wild ways may have helped him ingratiate himself with voters in 1992, but his personal behavior while in office forever tarnished his presidential legacy. Sex scandals followed him since his days as Governor of Arkansas and his affairs while serving as president, and subsequent attempts to cover them up, made him the first president in 130 years to be impeached.

Unfortunately, Clinton’s wild ways may have helped him ingratiate himself with voters in 1992, but his personal behavior while in office forever tarnished his presidential legacy.

george w bush

President George W. Bush, served 2001 - 2009

What was his drink of choice?
There are really two different answers to this question, marked by the two halves of President Bush’s life. Prior to 1986, he was a pretty prolific drinker, championing his enjoyment of the “four Bs”: beer, bourbon, and B&B (an herbal liqueur.) However, almost a decade before his successful run for governor of Texas, Bush quit drinking all alcohol. So, by the time he was president, he was more of a soda man, through and through.

Was he in the booze business?
Nope! Bush has worked in the Texas Air National Guard, the oil business, baseball (he co-owned the Rangers), and has become quite well-known for his post-presidency hobby of painting, but the man never seems to have made his own alcohol or sold it.

Did he party?
Bush’s former problems with alcohol are well-documented. Prior to giving the stuff up, he was known for hard-partying and even was cited for a DUI in Maine. In fact, he partied so hard on the night of his 40th birthday, that the ensuing hangover was enough to convince him to quit cold turkey. He credits his wife, First Lady Laura Bush, for enabling him to successfully stay away from booze for the past four decades.

In fact, he partied so hard on the night of his 40th birthday, that the ensuing hangover was enough to convince him to quit cold turkey.

barrack obama

President Barack Obama, served 2009 - 2017

What was his drink of choice?
President Obama loves a good beer. There is no shortage of photos showcasing him with a cold pint in his hand. In fact, you’ve likely seen one of them shared over and over on the internet. The photo of the president with a beer in one hand and an approving thumbs up on the other was taken while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in 2012. Since then, it’s used as a meme anytime Internet users want to showcase their mild approval. Beyond beer, Obama also reportedly has an impressive wine cellar.

Was he in the booze business?
Yes, actually! The very first known beer to be brewed at the White House was ordered by Obama in 2011. Using his own money, he purchased a homebrewing kit and got to work creating the White House Honey Ale. The “honey” part of the name comes from the fact that it is made using real honey from beehives at the White House. As the recipe qualifies as work done by a presidential administration, it is freely available for anybody to replicate.

Did he party?
President Obama has been candid about his use of drugs like marijuana and cocaine in his youth, but by all accounts, he has long since given those up. He has struggled with a habit of cigarette smoking, claiming to have quit early in his presidency, but recently admitting that the stress of the job led him to sneak a smoke now and then. As for booze’s role in his social life, surprisingly, it has more use in his work. 

During his presidency, Obama was known for having important meetings over drinks. He had a “beer summit” with literary critic Henry Louis Gates Jr. , the police officer who had mistakenly arrested Gates for breaking into his own home, and then-Vice President Biden. Obama also proposed a “bourbon summit” with then-House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. It seems he really believes in the power of a spirited conversation!

Now a former president, Barack is a relatively young man compared to his fellow retired commanders-in-chief. While he’s done all the typical post-presidency stuff like working on plans for his dedicated library, Obama has used his newfound free time well, especially in the first year after he left office. He was spotted having fun in all kinds of tropical locations from kitesurfing in the British Virgin Islands to kicking back in French Polynesia to whitewater rafting with his family in Indonesia.

The very first known beer to be brewed at the White House was ordered by Obama in 2011.

donald trump

President Donald J. Trump, served 2017 - 2021

What was his drink of choice?
President Trump has been very vocal about his lifelong avoidance of alcohol. His older brother, Fred, Jr., died young at 42 and struggled his entire adult life with alcoholism. Donald watched his brother’s life fall to ruin and, eventually, end altogether in part due to his alcohol use. Fred told his little brother to stay away from alcohol and it seems Donald listened. He’ll only sip wine for things like religious services or diplomatic reasons. His drink of choice, otherwise, is widely known to be Diet Coke. Cans of the soda could be ordered via the call button on Trump’s desk.

Was he in the booze business?
Usually, a teetotaler president stays away from the booze business. Not so with Donald Trump! In 2011, Trump purchased what is now called Trump Winery in Albemarle County, Virginia. Shortly after reopening the property, the future president put his son, Eric, in charge of operations. The vineyards and accompanying mansion sit just a 15 minute drive from another important property in the history of presidents and wine: Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello estate.

Did he party?
While Trump doesn’t partake in alcohol, that hasn’t kept him away from the party circuit. After all, he spent most of his career as a real estate mogul in one of the most bustling cities in the world. There is no shortage of photos of him and all kinds of celebrities at parties, fashion shows, and other social events. He’s also known to hold bashes in the grand ballroom of his club Mar-A-Lago. Couples who have had weddings at the venue have even had a surprise visit from Trump himself. Drinks or not, it’s clear he doesn’t shy away from festivities.

While Trump doesn’t partake in alcohol, that hasn’t kept him away from the party circuit.

joe biden

President Joe Biden, served 2021 - 2024

What was his drink of choice?
Here we are, folks! The last entry (for now) of the Presidential Drinking series! President, Joe Biden, like his predecessor, does not drink alcohol. While on the campaign trail in 2008, he remarked that “there are enough alcoholics in [his] family.” Instead, his reported drink of choice is orange Gatorade. Beyond beverages, Biden is legendary for his insatiable love of ice cream. There’s no shortage of photos of Biden clutching a cone with a smile on his face.

Was he in the booze business?
Not even a little. Biden’s political career has spanned decades without a lot of time (or desire) to get into alcohol production. In 1972, not long out of law school, Biden ran a longshot Senate campaign against an incumbent and pulled it off, becoming the sixth youngest elected senator in US history. He held the office until his term as vice president began in 2009. He had a couple years of quiet after he left office before running his successful campaign for the presidency. And that gets us up to date!

Did he party?
Given his long career, President Biden hasn’t exactly had a lot of time to let loose. He speaks at length about his father instilling a strong work ethic in him and he got right to work out of law school. Unfortunately, Biden’s personal life has often been marked by tragedy. By age 24, he was married to his first wife and started a family. Tragically, Neilia Biden and their infant daughter were killed in a car accident just a few weeks after his first successful election. Their sons, Beau and Hunter, were injured, but recovered. After a successful career in the military, Beau lost his life to brain cancer in 2016. In the wake of the loss of Beau and the death of his longtime friend across the aisle from the same cancer, Senator John McCain, Biden has continually spearheaded political efforts to cure cancer.

Beyond beverages, Biden is legendary for his insatiable love of ice cream. There’s no shortage of photos of Biden clutching a cone with a smile on his face.

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